It’s a great place to relax with the whole family! A variety of activities await you, and its legend adds to the appeal of this small lake with a special character.
Fishing is permitted if you have a fishing licence. However, swimming is prohibited.

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Pets allowed

The lake is of glacial origin and is based on a mysterious legend: Saint Peter and Jesus, travelling through the region dressed as poor people, asked the inhabitants of Barbazan for hospitality. They were turned away by the villagers, but welcomed into a house outside the village by a couple of modest means, and punished the inhabitants for their inhospitality. St Peter and Jesus then opened up the earth from which the water gushed out, engulfing the village and giving birth to Lake Barbazan. Apart from this legend and the fact that its water supply system is not known, Lake Barbazan is a rare case of a glacial lake at this altitude (450 m).

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